Category: Business Start-up Comments: 0 0 Post Date: February 6, 2018

Opening a Company in the US with an American Business Partner

Advantages of having the partnership of a native of that country.

Opening a US company with an American partner can be a good method, since a citizen of that country can help in the process of creating and developing the organization in at least three distinct points:

Opening a Company in the US with an American Business Partner

Advantages of having the partnership of a native of that country.

Opening a US company with an American partner can be a good method, since a citizen of that country can help in the process of creating and developing the organization in at least three distinct points:

  1. In obtaining an American address (mandatory for incorporation of company)
  2. In obtaining immediate credit for purchase of equipment, contracting, etc.
  3. In obtaining financing for investments in improvements

Remember that to open a company in the US you may have one, two, three or more partners. There is no limit, that is, it is possible to have as many partners as you wish or none (if you, since it is not obligatory.

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