Tax ID

What is FIRPTA?

What is FIRPTA

What is FIRPTA? FIRPTA is an acronym that stands for “Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act”, the Foreign Property Investment Tax Act. FIRPTA is not a tax, it’s [...]

Category: News, Tax ID, US Real EstateComments: 0 0
Income Tax for Investors

Income Tax for Investors

Income Tax for Investors If you received income from your rental properties or any other types of US investments, you must file a US tax return, except when the [...]

Category: News, Tax IDComments: 0 0
What is a Tax ID (ITIN) and why is it important

What is a Tax ID (ITIN) and why is it important

What is a Tax ID (ITIN) and why is it important 1. What is an ITIN? • An ITIN is an identification number used by individuals who cannot obtain a Social [...]

Category: News, Tax IDComments: 0 0